Tired of losing weight and then putting it back on? Want to make healthier food choices? Sick of fad diets and exercise routines?
The truth is… fad diets do not work! They are short-term solutions to a long-term problem. Sure, you might lose weight for a few weeks (or months), but if you don’t change your underlying habits, then you’ll evantually put the weight back on.
A better solution is to create small, incremental habits that have a positive and compounding effect. These tiny, “one percent” changes might seem like nothing at first, but over time they have a powerful snowball effect. And that’s what you’ll learn in Weight Loss Mastery.
Throughout this book, The Wall Street Journal bestselling author S.J. Scott and Jonathan Green will teach you a simple formula: Burn more calories than you take in. Specifically, you will discover five actionable habits you can use to lose a drastic amount of weight and keep it off!