The Practicing Mind

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You’ve just got to love the process!

Developing focus & discipline in your life

In The Practicing Mind, Thomas Sterner demonstrates how to acquire skills for any aspect of life, be it business, parenting or sports. It has always been about trial and error, and practice. If we had given up in the face of failure, repetition and difficulty, we would never have learned to walk or tie our shoes. So why, as adults, do we give up on a goal when we don’t succeed at first?

Sterner has an answer to this: we have forgotten the principles of practice – the process of picking a goal and applying steady effort to reach it. The methods Sterner teaches show that proper practice isn’t drudgery on the way to mastery, but in fact, a fulfilling process in and of itself, one that builds discipline and clarity.

  • Genre Mind
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 164 pages
  • Release Date 1-Nov-2017
  • ISBN 13 978-93-86867-10-0

Original price was: ₹275.Current price is: ₹248. 10% off

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About the Author

Thomas M. Sterner

Thomas M. Sterner is the founder and CEO of the Practicing Mind Institute. He is a popular and in-demand speaker and coach, who works with high-performance industry groups and individuals, including athletes. An accomplished musician and composer, he has also worked in the visual arts and as a recording studio engineer.

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