The Book of Five Rings

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When the undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi retreated to a cave in 1643 and wrote The Book of Five Rings, a manifesto on swordsmanship, strategy, and winning for his students and generations of samurai to come, he created one of the most perceptive and incisive texts on strategic thinking ever to come from Asia.

Musashi gives timeless advice on defeating an adversary, throwing an opponent off-guard, creating confusion, and other techniques for overpowering an assailant that will resonate with both martial artists and everyone else interested in skillfully dealing with conflict.

William Scott Wilson’s translation is faithful to the original seventeenth-century Japanese text while being wonderfully clear and readable. His scholarship and insight into the deep meaning of this classic are evident in his introduction and notes to the text.

  • Genre Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format
  • Page Count 160 pages
  • Release Date 10-Apr-2025
  • ISBN 13 9789348098757

Original price was: ₹250.Current price is: ₹225. 10% off

This book will be released on 10-Apr-2025.
For sale in the Indian Subcontinent only

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About the Author

Miyamoto Musashi

MIYAMOTO MUSASHI, who lived in Japan in the 1600s, was an undefeated dueler, a masterless samurai, and an independent teacher. He spent the last decades of his life refining and teaching his military science.