Change Your Life, Change the World

Spiritual leader and bestselling author Master Ryuho Okawa calls out to people of all nations to remember their true spiritual roots and accept that all of humanity, regardless of race, religion, or culture, was originally part of one gigantic family tree, called the Cosmic Tree.

Change Your Life, Change the World is a message of hope and urgency. It holds the solution to the state of crisis in which we find ourselves today as war, terrorism, and economic disaster spread grief and strife throughout the continents. It urges us to awaken to the Truth of our heritage and, as brothers and sisters, to rebuild our planet into a united Earth of peace, prosperity, and happiness.

Find the Power to Change Your Life and Change the World by:
— Giving love to others, unconditionally
— Understanding the meaning of your life and the world
— Transforming Earth into an ideal world

  • Genre Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 192 pages
  • Release Date 20-Jan-2011
  • ISBN 13 978-81-8495-278-0

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About the Author

Ryuho Okawa

A spiritual leader, contemporary visionary and founder of Happy Science, Ryuho Okawa has devoted his life to the Truth and ways to happiness. Born in 1956 in Japan, Okawa studied law in Tokyo and then international finance in New York. In 1986, he renounced his business career at a major Japanese trading house and established Happy Science. In 1987, he established the IRH Press Co. Ltd. Since then, Okawa has published over 2,700 books including bestselling titles such as The Laws of the Sun, The Golden Laws and The Laws of Eternity."