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Antidotes to busyness And practices for a calmer, More productive life

A certain kind of busyness is crucial to life, allowing us to earn a living, create art, and achieve success. But too often it consumes us and we become very busy, expending extraneous effort that gets us nowhere. Marc Lesser’s new book shows us the benefits of doing less in a world that has increasingly embraced more—more desire, activity, things and exhaustion.

Less is about stopping, about the possibility of finding composure in the midst of activity. The ideas and practices that Lesserread more

  • Genre Business
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 188 pages
  • Release Date 17-Sep-2019
  • ISBN 13 978-93-88423-85-4

Original price was: ₹299.Current price is: ₹269. 10% off

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About the Author

Marc Lesser

MARC LESSER is a speaker, facilitator, workshop leader, and executive coach. He is known for his engaging, experiential presentations that integrate mindfulness and emotional intelligence practices and training. He is the CEO of ZBA Associates, an executive development and leadership consulting company.