The Message beyond Words is an invitation to understand what death really is and thus transform the way you live.
These talks are based on the ancient Kathopanishad, which tells the story of a small boy, Nachiketa, who is sent by his father to face the Lord of Death. This Upanishad is traditionally read as someone is dying, to inspire the people they love, the people who are present, to begin their search for a conscious life.
By exploring the methods described in this book, a person “frozen” in their fear of death can melt, flow, and really begin to live for the first time. Once you really face your fears about death, says Osho, your life will automatically transform and become conscious, joyful and silent.
Osho defies all categorization. As he says, “I am not much of a religious person, I am not a saint, I have nothing to do with spirituality. All those categories are irrelevant about me. You cannot categorize me, you cannot pigeonhole me. But one thing can be said, that my whole effort is to help you release the energy called love-intelligence. If love-intelligence is released, you are healed.”