99 Thoughts on Ganesha (Marathi)

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This book brings together 99 meditations to better understand the stories, symbols and rituals of that ador-able elephant-headed Hindu god who removes hurdles and brings prosperity and peace. Known variously as Ganapati, Gajanana, Vinayaka or Pillayar, he can help all of us score a century in the game called life.

Now in Marathi

In the game of cricket, having scored 99 runs, when a bats-man stands poised on the threshold of that much coveted century, he experiences the moment that is best associated with Ganesha.

Fear and uncertainty envelope him; between him and his achievement stand hurdles, both real and imaginary: a possible spin from the bowler can overwhelm him, his own anxiety can paralyze him, cheering fans can distract him. He needs divine intervention then. He needs to focus, get rid of all hurdles, perform, get the final run, and achieve what he so longs for. In other words, he needs to think of Ganapati.


  • Genre Hinduism
  • Language Marathi
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 240 pages
  • Release Date 25-Jun-2011
  • ISBN 13 978-81-8495-282-7

Original price was: ₹299.Current price is: ₹269. 10% off

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About the Author

Devdutt Pattanaik

DEVDUTT PATTANAIK writes, illustrates and lectures on relevance of mythology in modern times. He has since 1996, written over 30 books and 600 columns on how stories, symbols and rituals construct the subjective truth (myths) of ancient and modern cultures around the world. His books include Myth=Mithya: Decoding Hindu Mythology, The Book of Ram, The Pregnant King, Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata, Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana, Olympus: An Indian Retelling of the Greek Myths, 7 Secrets series, Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik series, The Business Sutra series, Devlok series for children, The Jaya Colouring Book, The Sita Colouring Book, Pashu: Animal Tales from Hindu Mythology, Shikhandi: And Other Queer Tales They Don’t Tell You, My Gita, Hanuman Chalisa, The Girl Who Chose and The Boys Who Fought. He consults corporations on leadership and governance, and TV channels on mythological serials. His TV shows include Business Sutra on CNBC-TV18 and Devlok on Epic TV. To know more, do visit www.devdutt.com