Buddha Mind, Buddha Body

In this book Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how we can instill the habit of happiness in our consciousness. With humour and compassion, Buddha Mind, Buddha Body explores how the mind functions and how we can train ourselves to more effectively create the conditions for our own happiness.

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body emphasizes the importance of creativity, visualization, and meditation, and offers concrete exercises to improve mental clarity and restore our mind/body harmony. Punctuated by stories from the life of the Buddha, as well as stories and observations from Nhat Hanh’s own life.

  • Genre Buddhism
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 154 pages
  • Release Date 20-Dec-2008
  • ISBN 13 978-81-7992-823-3

“It’s impossible to read this book without being inspired to redouble one’s efforts on behalf of other people, on behalf of all beings, and on behalf of the planet.”

— Sylvia Boorstein, author of Its Easier Than You Think

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About the Author

Thich Nhat Hanh

THICH NHAT HANH is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk whose lifelong efforts to generate peace and reconciliation moved Martin Luther King, Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. He lives in southwest France and travels regularly, leading retreats on the art of mindful living. He is the author of The Energy of Prayer, Being Peace, and many other books.