Essential Ayurveda

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What is ayurveda and what can it do for you? Perhaps the oldest healing tradition in the world, ayurveda is based on maintaining harmony of the mind, body, and spirit, and can easily be incorporated into today’s lifestyles.

Simple routines based on age-old secrets of India’s revered sages can help you re-awaken your body’s powers to create balance, energy, vitality, and beauty from the inside out.

Peppered with healthful recipes and tips, this book includes a clear explanation of doshas with exercise, diet, and relaxation recommendations for each body type.

Outlining the basic elements of Ayurveda, Shubhra Krishan teaches readers how to

  •  recognize their energy and body type, and
  • use Ayurvedic principles to create a balanced diet and lifestyle for optimum health. She offers suggestions for finding the best products or creating your own with her recipes for food, beauty care, and other healthcare items.
  • Genre Alternative Healing
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 288 pages
  • Release Date 3-Sep-2021
  • ISBN 13 978-93-90166-63-3

Original price was: ₹399.Current price is: ₹359. 10% off

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About the Author

Shubhra Krishan

SHUBHRA KRISHAN has worked in print and television journalism for 14 years. She began exploring Ayurveda while living and working in India, where she was born. She has interviewed many practitioners to gather the information found in this book.