The Art of Presentation

In The Art of Presentation, authors Jim Stovall and Dr. Ray Hull use their decades of combined experience and research to powerfully illustrate the specifics of effective public speaking.

A clear and comprehensive read, this book talks in detail about:

  • Public speaking as a performance art
  • Preparing a presentation
  • The art of using a microphone
  • Speaking tips and techniques
  • Elements of a speech
  • The art of stage presence
  • Concluding the speech to make an impact and
  • World-changing speakers of the past

Jim Stovall’s revealing stories and Dr. Ray Hull’s straightforward, factual approach combine to make this book a must-read for businesspeople, salespeople, entrepreneurs, teachers, pastors, academics and anyone who wants to improve their public speaking abilities.


  • Genre Communication
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 192 pages
  • Release Date 10-May-2017
  • ISBN 13 978-93-86348-45-6

Original price was: ₹299.Current price is: ₹224. 25% off

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About the Authors

Jim Stovall

Jim Stovall is a bestselling author, a national champion in weightlifting, investment broker and an entrepreneur—all while dealing with the challenge of blindness. In addition to his personal achievements, he was honored the 2000 International Humanitarian of the Year.

Raymond H. Hull

Raymond H. Hull, PhD, has over 25 years of experience in training people for public speaking, speech clarity, voice enhancement, professional image/style and etiquette. He has a doctarate in Neurosciences of Communication from University of Denver.