51 Greatest Modern Heroes

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Everyone needs a hero. Heroes are people who make a difference in our world and are often considered larger than life. They are the men and women of action, who think great thoughts, have nerves of steel and make personal sacrifices to initiate change. Heroes are the models we put up to our children as the people to be and act like.

A modern hero is not always a great general or statesman, but more often ordinary men and women who have influenced our society, changed our views and sought to make the world a better place. They entertain us, make us laugh and cry and have even given their lives for their ideas and their values.

Our heroes are men and women from all walks of life, from around the world who, through science, politics, war, letters, music, sports and the media stood above even the best of us. They often speak to us directly and indirectly about the things that are most important in our lives and they challenge us to be like them, to follow them and ultimately respect them – even if we do not always agree with them – but without them, our lives would be significantly different.

The best parts of this great book are the stirring testaments to the 9/11 victims and survivors as well as the heroes from World War II. But no matter whom you admire, you will find wonderful profiles of our great heroes here.

Martin J. StichRetired Police Sergeant & Vietnam Veteran, Chicago, lllinois

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About the Author

Lucas Otto

LUCAS OTTO, JD, is a writer, researcher, lawyer and consultant. He has been writing biographies of famous jurists and politicians for years, using much of his material on Websites and blogs. He has taken his experience and expanded it to include entertainers, church leaders, generals and civil rights leaders, among many groups represented. Otto put together a team of researchers and opinion makers and used this group to build his list of modern heroes.