The Book of No

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Do you have trouble saying “no”? Do people always turn to you for favors? Wonder how you get roped into things you really don’t want to do?

Refusing someone is rarely easy. Often, it’s downright uncomfortable. But constantly saying “yes” causes anxiety, anger, stress, regret and feelings of powerlessness.

Social psychologist and author Susan Newman empowers you to break your debilitating “yes habit” with her simple techniques and insights.


  • Recognize when someone is manipulating you into saying “yes”
  • Be ready with the words you need to refuse
  • Avoid being overcommitted, overworked and overwhelmed
  • Establish and keep your boundaries strong

Harness the power of “NO” and take back your life.

  • Genre Communication
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 288 pages
  • Release Date 14-Aug-2019
  • ISBN 13 978-93-88423-74-8

This book is a game-changer and a life saver!

Edward HallowellMd, Author Of Driven To Distraction

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About the Authors

Susan Newman

SUSAN NEWMAN, PhD., is a social psychologist and author. Her research and writing focus on parenting and family relationship issues. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post as well as in numerous other newspapers and magazines.

Cristina Schreil

CRISTINA SCHREIL is an award-winning journalist, photojournalist and ghostwriter.