Badass Stories

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Real-life lessons of grit and growth that come from being a bona fide badass!

Overcoming life’s many disappointments begins with one thing: grit. But what is grit, and how can we know what it looks like in the sh*tshow of life?

Drawing from her own experience and psychology practice, psychologist Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt, author of Getting to Good Riddance: A No-Bullsh*t Breakup Survival Guide, weaves together a collection of gritty stories of survival, hope, and healing in the face of overwhelming pain and adversity.

Badass Stories illustrates how real people have used tools like grit and hope to make it through life’s challenges—great and small—and foster growth and healing in the process. These seriously motivational tales will inspire you to harness the grit it takes to succeed, show up for the fight, call out your own bullsh*t, and become the Badass you were meant to be!

  • Genre Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format
  • Page Count 288 pages
  • Release Date 10-Apr-2025
  • ISBN 13 9789348098108

Original price was: ₹399.Current price is: ₹359. 10% off

This book will be released on 10-Apr-2025.
For sale in the Indian Subcontinent only

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About the Author

Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

JODIE ECKLEBERRY-HUNT, PH.D., A.B.P.P., is a board-certified health psychologist and executive coach with over 20 years of counseling experience. She is also a recovering people pleaser, control freak, and worrier. With a healthy dose of science, compassion, humor, and a few cuss words, Jodie knows how to outmaneuver the inner critic inside all of us.